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Corso di ultrasuoni nelle malattie infettive e tropicali

Il corso è stato realizzato per medici che vogliono acquisire le competenze base negli ultrasuoni ed una visione di insieme sull'uso di ultrasuoni nella medicina tropicale


Corso di acquaThis course is designed for clinicians who wish to acquire basic skills in ultrasound of the abdomen and a general overview of Ultrasound in Tropical Medicine. Imaging specialists who want to acquire knowledge in the field of Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine can benefit from this course as well. It is also designed for MDs who plan to work in tropical/resource poor areas or who are already experienced in field work but need to refine their skills in this diagnostic tool.

Emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases that used to be virtually unknown to physicians in industrialized countries are now increasingly encountered because of immigration from endemic countries. The course can be of help to those clinicians working in industrialized countries who frequently take care of those groups.

Quando e dove

Inizio: 03/02/2015
Fine: 07/02/2015

Collegio Del Maino
Via Luino 4 - Pavia (PV), Italy

Ulteriori informazioni
