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Inserito il 01/07/2006 09:54:29   Segnala contenuto non adatto   Rispondi Quotando  Nuovo Commento 
Qualcuno mi sia testimone.

Leggo che Tom Okarma della Stanford University afferma che nel 2007 cureremo l'uomo con le cellule staminali. Ecco la mia lettera, che vorrei qualcuno leggesse per essere un futuro TESTIMONE:
July 1, 2006, h 9, 50 AM.
Dear Tom Okarma MD.
I'dd appreciate your critical comment to the following letter of mine, wherein I criticize the present study and subsequent staminal cell utilizing - in my opinion DANGEROUS - if we contunue ovrlooking some important points. My english is inapropriate, but I'm sure you unserstand what I mean. I sent this letter (or its topic) to italian minister, politicians, Editors, Physicians, a lot of medical sites...unsuccessfull, as 14 years ago, when I for the first time underlined the dangerous use of statines in dyslipidaemic patients involved by Co Q10 deficiency Syndrome, Idescribed formerly (Bibliography in my website http://www.semeioticabiofisica.it)
Many tkanks and best regards. I'm looking for your answer.
Sergio Stagnaro MD
Founder of Biophysical Semeiotics
Riva Trigoso (Genova) Italy
in performing staminal cell researches all around the world there is a fundamental bias, in my
opinion, based on 50 year-long clinical experience, since scientists overlook both Congenital
Acidosic Enzyme-Metabolic Histangiopathy (CAEMH = functional mitochondrial cytopathy) and Biophysical-Semeiotic Constitutions (1-6) (See
website http://www.semeioticabiofisica.it).
For instance: accordingly, type 2 diabetes is a major problem worldwide, a real epidaemic.
Independent of different countries, in recent decades diabetes prevalence has increased rapidly over
time among both developed and underdeveloped populations. Surely, genetic factors alone cannot
explain these patterns. However, as allows me to state my clinical experience, (See URL:
www.semeioticabiofisica.it/constitutions.htm) individuals, without "diabetic AND dyslipidemic
biophysical-semeiotic constitutions", can not be involved by type 2 diabets, at all (1-6). Certainly,
rapid changes in lifestyle and risk factors such as obesity, unhealthy diets, physical inactivity,
tobacco smoking, a.s.o., acting on people with "diabetic and dyslipidemic constitution" may cause,
AT FIRST, Pre-Metabolic Syndrome, then, over years or decades, metabolic syndrome (2, 6), IGT,
and finally type 2 diabetes.
In a few words, all around the world, the war against diabetes mellitus and its well-known and
harmful complications, as well as the war against all other serious and common human diseases, is
nowadays possible, also utilizing possibly staminal cells of “whatever” origine, exclusively by
means of a primary prevention, which must be achieved at the bed-side, i.e., "clinically", on a very large scale, using the simple stethoscope. Briefly, we have to know “all” constitutions of stamm cell donors. Importantly, we must utilize exclusively staminal cell of individuals not involved by above-cited biophysical semeiotic constitutions! In other words, in both primary prevention and screening programme for whatever disease, including DM and its complications, and cancer, we need efficacious "clinical" tools to obtain the best results, avoiding, e.g., to use staminal cell with impaired mitochondria (= CAEMH). Really, early diagnosis must certainly be established in "asymptomatic" patients, who, for example, are evolving slowlytowards diabetes mellitus, i.e. long time before disease onset, in order to avoid the well known, severe complications.
In fact, to prevent these diabetic complications, including diabetic retinopathy, it is extremely
necessary that doctors use a "clinical" tool reliable in diagnosing early diabetes mellitus stages,
from initial stages, i.e., biophysical-semeiotic constitutions, and then the Pre-Metabolic Syndrome
(See www.semeioticabiofisica.itmicroangiologia.it,URL:
www.semeioticabiofisica.it/microangiologia/Documenti/Eng/Premetabolic syndrome engl.oc)
(1-6), usefull particularly in selecting appropriate staminal cells to be utilized.
1) Stagnaro S., Stagnaro-Neri M. Valutazione percusso-ascoltatoria del Diabete Mellito. Aspetti
teorici e pratici. Epat. 32, 131 1986
2)Stagnaro Sergio, Stagnaro-Neri Marina. Introduzione alla Semeiotica Biofisica. Il Terreno
oncologico". Travel Factory SRL., Roma, 2004http://www.travelfactory.it/semeiotica_biofisica.htm
3) Stagnaro S., Stagnaro-Neri M., Le Costituzioni Semeiotico-Biofisiche.Strumento clinico
fondamentale per la prevenzione primaria e la definizione della Single Patient Based Medicine.
Ediz. Travel Factory, Roma, 2004.
4) Stagnaro S., Istangiopatia Congenita Acidosica Enzimo-Metabolica. Una Patologia
Mitocondriale Ignorata. Gazz Med. It. - Arch. Sci. Med. 144, 423,1985 (Infotrieve).
5) Stagnaro S. Diet and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes. N Engl J Med. 2002 Jan 24;346(4):297-298.
6) Stagnaro S.-Neri M..Stagnaro S., Sindrome di Reaven, classica e variante, in evoluzione
diabetica. Il ruolo della Carnitina nella prevenzione del diabetemellito. Il Cuore. 6, 617, 1993,

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