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 PhD position in Germany
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Cittā: Edinburgh

11491 Messaggi

Inserito il - 26 aprile 2007 : 06:26:39  Mostra Profilo  Visita l'Homepage di chick80 Invia a chick80 un Messaggio Privato  Rispondi Quotando
Se qualcuno fosse interessato, l'universitā di Würzburg ha 15 borse di studio per vari PhD in ambito biologico.

Informazioni qui sotto

(e se vi serve una mano col tedesco sicuramente AleXo vi saprā aiutare... vero? )

The Graduate School of Life Sciences, University of Würzburg, Germany, invites applications for 15 PhD fellowships funded by the Excellence Initiative by the German Federal and State Governments.

Würzburg is the leading German university in the life sciences based on funding by the German Research Foundation (DFG Ranking 2006). Internationally renowned research centres such as the Biocenter, the Research Center for Infectious Diseases, and the DFG Research Center for Experimental Biomedicine (Rudolf Virchow Center) contribute to this standing.

The Graduate School of Life Sciences (GSLS) is directly linked to these research centers. It comprises almost 300 PhD students and runs research training groups in four major sections:
  • Biomedicine

  • Infection and Immunity

  • Integrative Biology

  • Neuroscience

For MDs only the GSLS also entertains a MD/PhD program

We offer
  • an international (working language English) and widely visible research environment

  • a personal fellowship for three years, conference
    money and funding of research expenses

  • continuous supervision and mentoring by a thesis committee of three principal investigators

  • a strong network of peers participating in the planning and execution of research training activities

  • advanced scientific and transferable skills training.

Please refer to the GSLS homepage for details and deadlines of application and the structure and scope of the GSLS:

Please also visit this page for additional open PhD positions at the GSLS funded by alternative sources.

We expect
  • an excellent university degree less than two years old, usually a M. Sc. or German Diploma (if graduation is expected until Sept 07 you are welcome to apply; exceptional candidates holding an Honours B. Sc. may join the GSLS after a qualification period)

  • a proven interest in a particular research field of the GSLS

  • proven communication skills in English and willingness to learn basic German (training provided)

  • the eagerness to work in an interdisciplinary and
    international environment.

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