Citazione:Materazzi effect and the strategic use of anger in competitive interactions We propose that individuals use anger strategically in interactions. We first show that in some environments angering people makes them more effective in competitions, whereas in others, anger makes them less effective. We then show that individuals anticipate these effects and strategically use the option to anger their opponents. In particular, they are more likely to anger their opponents when anger negatively affects the opponents’ performances. This finding suggests people understand the effects of emotions on behavior and exploit them to their advantage.
non ci sono più le ricerche di una volta... oltre alla finale di coppa del mondo, vorrei suggerire agli autori anche l'espulsione di Totti contro l'Inter in finale di coppa Italia, perché ha tirato un calcione alla caviglia di Balotelli che, dopo un paio di minuti di scena, se la rideva
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