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Cittā: Torino

70 Messaggi

Inserito il - 10 aprile 2013 : 21:43:03  Mostra Profilo  Visita l'Homepage di Bimbagioia Invia a Bimbagioia un Messaggio Privato  Rispondi Quotando
ciao a tutti,
avrei un problema: alla seguente domanda, quale delle tre risposte dareste? (č tutto in inglese perchč l'ho copiato direttamente dal sito della mia facoltā). GRAZIE!

You are studying the gene ABCDE5 and find on the genomic browser that people have described 3 transcripts starting at approximately 1Kbp distant from each other.
Therefore, you decide to analyze your cells to see whether all three transcripts are expressed there.
Which of the following methods seems more appropriate to you?

1.Design three forward primers on the most 5' 1Kbp region of the three transcripts and one reverse primer on the region common to the three transcripts. This will save you money. Then prepare RNA from my cells and run three separate RT-PCR.

2.Prepare RNA from my cells, then convert it to cDNA using random priming and send it to deep-sequencing to see all transcripts.

3.Design three forward and reverse primer pairs on the most 5' 1Kbp region of the three transcripts.
Prepare RNA from my cells and run three separate RT-PCR to verify.

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