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Scrivere in forma ossidata la struttura del peptide Triptofano-Cisteina-istidina-glicina-cisteina a ph 8
Ho dei dubbi... so scrivere il peptide e so che la carica la devo calcolare in base ai pk dei gruppi ionizzabili, ma la cisteina (con -SH con pk=8), a ph 8 si deprotona o rimane -SH?
Un altro dubbio, per "forma ossidata" intende che devo scrivere tutti i gruppi ionizzabili deprotonati?
Ethoxy Propanol is a member of the Propylene Glycol Ether family. These Propylene glycol ethers are formed from the base catalysed reaction of propylene oxide with alcohols. It also known as propylene glycol ether; Arcosolv PE; ethyl proxitol; and propylene glycol monoethyl ether. It is a clear liquid that has a characteristic ether-like odour. It has the formula C5H12O2 and it is miscible with water, is hygroscopic, and it also provides good solvency for a wide variety of substances, including resins, inks, and adhesives.