Alessio Cantara
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Inserito il - 21 novembre 2018 : 16:09:14
Ciao a tutti sono Alessio un PhD student all'IBP di Brno. Mi ritrovo a dover preparare degli esami durante i 4 anni di PhD; il primo è un esame dal titolo: "Chemical properties, structure and interactions of nucleic acids".Il syllabus dell'esame è il seguente: ''DNA structure – basics, Watson-Crick and Hoogsteen base pairing, double helix, alternative structures, DNA superhelicity Chemical reactivity of DNA, DNA damage, chemical modification of DNA as a tool for structure/interactions studies Non-covalent interactions of DNA, outer-sphere electrostatic interactions, groove binding, intercalation, fundamentals of DNA-protein interactions Enzymatic processing of nucleic acids, application of enzymes in structure/interactions studies Molecular principles of epigenetic regulations. Optical spectroscopic methods - general introduction Principles of circular dichroic (CD) spectroscopy Advantages and drawbacks of the use of CD spectroscopy to proteins and nucleic acids studies Characteristic CD spectra of particular nucleic acids types Structural properties of nucleic acids - fresh findings Electrochemistry of nucleic acids, electrochemical methods – general introduction, electrochemical activity of DNA, DNA structure at electrically charged surfaces, electrochemical sensing of DNA damage, modification and nucleotide sequences. Electrochemistry of proteins – basics and applications''.
Il problema è che i testi consigliati non si trovano nelle biblioteche dell'università in cui sono, mi chiedevo, avete qualche altro testo da consigliare che tratta questi argomenti?
Vi ringrazio in anticipo per le risposte