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Microarray-related activities at the EBI

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Data Inserimento: 08/06/2007 | Visite: 27911

Microarray links

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Descrizione: An exhaustive list of news links, materials, and databases.

Data Inserimento: 08/06/2007 | Visite: 27909

Gene Expression Omnibus

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Descrizione: A gene expression data repository at the NCBI that is currently being built, which will provide an online resource for retrieving gene expression data from any organism or artificial source. Many types of gene expression data from microarray, high-density oligonucleotide array, hybridization filter and serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE) experiments will be accepted, accessioned, and archived as a public data set. Online tools for retrieving and analysing this expression data, and descriptions of the data, are planned for the future.

Data Inserimento: 08/06/2007 | Visite: 27906

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