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Database & Gestione Sequenze (11)
Microarray (3)
Software (2)

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GoPubMed - Motore Ricerca in letteratura

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Descrizione: Ontology-based literature search, Biotec, TU-Dresden

Leggi Recensioni | Data Inserimento: 07/04/2006 | Visite: 27916

Laboratorio di Bioinformatica

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Descrizione: Esercitazioni e materiale didattico per imparare ad usare i principali tools di bioinformatica

Leggi Recensioni | Data Inserimento: 12/12/2007 02:34:00 | Visite: 27914

European Bioinformatics Institute

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Descrizione: This site provides a range of tools developed by the European Bioinformatics Institute for querying and investigating sequence data, as well as access to the Nucleotide Sequence Database.

Leggi Recensioni | Data Inserimento: 08/06/2007 | Visite: 27911

Nuovo Website sulla bioinformatica applicata

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Descrizione: Punto informativo sulla bioinformatica e sue applicazioni nell'area biomedica.

Leggi Recensioni | Data Inserimento: 22/10/2007 | Visite: 27910

The homepage of basic research

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Descrizione: is a web site specifically designed for researchers around the world. The site aims at becoming the homepage of basic research, a starting point for researchers surfing the net in order to retrieve informations for their research activity. Aside from relying on google as web engine, enterscience offers a variety of continuously updated links to grant funding, travel planning, laboratory tools, conference lookup, vitual galleries, etc... The website is easily gaining international visibility because it addresses common needs and interests of researchers around the world, and significantly reduces the amount of time spent on the web to search informations.

Leggi Recensioni | Data Inserimento: 28/09/2006 | Visite: 27908

The Sanger Centre

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Descrizione: The Sanger Centre provides descriptions here of a range of software programmes used by the Sanger Centre for the entire sequencing process, from the preparation of DNA through to clone finishing. Although the software packages are no longer available for direct downloading, they can be accessed by contacting staff at the centre.

Leggi Recensioni | Data Inserimento: 08/06/2007 | Visite: 27906

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